The Secret Language of Comics

A Key that Will Open Anything

I have a habit of putting my index finger through the ring of my key chain, and I will toss the key forward and backwards so it would go from the inside of my hand to the outside and vice versa. One day while I was doing this, a thought came into my mind that a hand grenade is very form fitting to the hand, and that it also has a ring like my key. This is where I got the inspiration for this sketch.

I used an app called Medibang Paint on my tablet to draw this. I have never used digital software to draw before, but I found it quite fun! I used the layers to break down my idea into geometric shapes, before adding some texture and eventually color. Finally I put my key on my tablet to finish the piece.


Naughty but Knife

For some reason, my creativity was on full throttle for this Sunday Sketch. After reading the instructions, I immediately grabbed an item—a plastic knife I got from lunch—off my desk. I then ran through a list of pun ideas using the word “knife,” eventually selecting the phrase “naughty but knife” (“naughty but nice”). With that pun in mind, I started orienting the knife in different positions on my paper. I quickly noticed that the knife’s white serrated blade looked kind of like wings.

What has wings? I asked myself. Birds, bugs, dragons, angels….ANGELS ARE NICE.

Within 5 minutes, I had sketched out an angel with the plastic knife as one of its wings. That, however, was only half of the pun. I still had to think of something for “naughty.” Luckily for me, the opposite of angels are devils, which happen to be something naughty. Within the next 5 minutes, my angel had become an angel devil hybrid, the perfect embodiment of “naughty but knife.”


Pizza by the Stigmatism

When I first started thinking about this sketch, I immediately grabbed my glasses. They are so bent out of shape that they can almost lie flat on the page. This worked to my advantage because I saw the body of a bike form with the bent frames. The glasses bike looked very long and box-like, so I thought it was the perfect shape for a pizza delivery worker. I like that the translucent lenses allowed me to draw the spokes to pull the picture together.

Sunday Sketch 2: I’M All Tied Up

This Sunday sketch was very difficult for me, it took me a long time to find something to incorporate into a drawing. It took multiple drafts with different items to finally have an idea of what I wanted to draw. My first draft was trying to incorporate the string into a bow that would be used for a tie but I decided not to do that because I did not like how it came out. At the end I came up with using this wrapped up piece of sting as a bow to tie up a robe.

This Sunday sketch required me to think outside of the box and include something I normally would not have thought to include into my work. I had the most trouble finding and object to center a sketch around because for most items I did not have a clue what to draw. Then when I finally had an idea of what to draw I struggled with the idea of adding color to my drawing. I choose to have the bow be the pop of color on my drawing leaving the robe white.

Let’s Roll~!

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

When skimming over the prompt a week ago, I originally planned to start brainstorming ideas early on in the week—however that did not happen. I was sitting at my desk earlier this afternoon, spun slowly on my chair, and scanned everything visible in my room from that corner, trying to spot something that could get my imagination going ASAP. It took about two full turns before I spotted the roll of tape I dropped behind my desk earlier this week and forgot to pick it back up. The shape of the tape dispenser first made me instantly think of those little kid wooden toy cars, but I couldn’t think of how I could incorporate a sketch to that. Still pondering on the thought of transportation, it hit me it also looked like a carriage, so I looked up images of horse-drawn carriages to confirm my sketch idea—I got started right away.

I used a photograph of some wedding horse-drawn carriage to reference when sketching the horse—I love drawing animals, so this was definitely my favorite part to do and I took a bit more time working on it. On the other hand, I do not enjoy drawing people in any other way other than simply as a circle head and rectangle body, so I got that part done in seconds. For the hand-drawn portions, I used a No.2 wooden pencil. For the “carriage”, I used the tape roll dispenser and when I realized I could not draw wheels over the carriage, I ripped apart my kneaded eraser into two separate pieces, rolled them up, and stuck them on the tape dispenser.

Prompt for this Sunday Sketch is here.

Inside or Outside?

A hair clip turned into a rib cage. I knew that I wanted to do something with the hair clip, but I wasn’t sure what it could transform into. I held it up at different angles to see. Holding it far away, I realized that it looked like ribs. I got this hair clip on Amazon so that I can use it to hold up my hair. Once I got it, I realized it was too small and couldn’t handle my thick hair. I looking so forward to style it 😦 .

During my drawing process, I wished to make it realistic but also minimal. I drew the lungs, a liver, and a rough outline of a torso. I did not draw a heart because it would be covered by the rib cage. Anytime I want to draw something, I try so hard to make it realistic, especially anatomy, but it never works out. I felt defeated when I see artists on Instagram sharing their amazing art. While I was drawing, I love just the drawing aspect of it since it has been a long time since I did draw. I felt more excited to draw than I had before. Also, I was taken back to my Human Anatomy and Physiology class in high school where we had to draw life-sized skeletal system though my more artistic friend handled the sketching part of it.

It felt so nice and comforting to use a mechanical pencil again. The last time I actually used a pencil this long was before COVID. I forgot how good of a mechanical pencil I had. It’s so smooth. I missed writing on paper since all I do is type away on online assignments.

(Discus)sing with Friend

For this week’s Sunday sketch, I decided to draw my friends and I playing frisbee on the quad. We often have conversations while playing. Hence, the pun in the title. Playing frisbee is one of my favorite things to do with my friends. Since I am being quarantined in the hotel, I have been really missing the outdoors.

Looking around my room, I was struggling to find an object to use in my sketch. I decided to use a gum wrapper because I figured I could mold it into anything I wanted. Due to my situation, I did not have access to any physicals means of adding color, so the original sketch is black and white. However, after finishing the sketch, I used photo editing software to add color.


What’s Up With the Sun??

Sunday, Feb 7 2021

I spent around a good 20 minutes deciding on what I wanted to do for this week’s Sunday Sketch. I went through many drafts where I experimented with a tabasco bottle, a pair of earphones, and a pack of gum. Eventually, I settled on the metal ball inside my blender bottle.There were many angles to look at the twisted metal ball and I decided that it reminded me of a planet. I first thought of making it Saturn, but I liked the idea of drawing all of the major celestial bodies inside our solar system and making the metal ball the “sun”. In the end, I enjoyed this week’s sketch because it made me look at the objects around me and think about how to incorporate it with drawings.

Swiss Army Knife

This is a sketch of my Swiss Army Knife. The reason I chose this, apart from it being one of the few things on my desk, is the meaning the knife has. It is a tradition in my family to get a Swiss Army Knife as a gift in our Bar Mitzvah. I’m not sure when this started, but I know my dad has his, his fathers, and his grandfathers. I vividly remember receiving the gift, it was after dinner the night prior to the ceremony. He told me about the tradition and how I will pass it on to my kids. I asked him why a Swiss Army Knife, its such a random thing. He responded saying that I would use it much more than I think, and he was right. I find myself using this tool daily for miscellaneous tasks. This is one of the few traditions my family has, and, because of that, I value it so much.

Sunday Sketch 2: That’s a loot of cards!

I brainstormed ideas for this sketch while sitting at my desk. I focused mainly on the objects on the tabletop and tried to think of creative ways to use them in a larger, more complex image. It took a while to come up with an imaginative idea, but I finally thought of one as I stared thoughtfully at my cluttered desk. I realized my flashcard box looked similar to a chest. My first thoughts instantly went to a treasure chest filled with pirate booty.

I started drawing valuables you commonly think of being in and around a treasure chest such as gold, jewelry, and other flashy things. I also added piles of sand that would likely be in a buried chest. To make the sketch more lively and animated, I added marks at the top that signify the motion of the chest being opened and the special riches being shown to the world. The sketch, as a whole, looks like an image captured moments right after the lid popped open.

