Week Ahead: 5

2/21 Sketch 4: Combophoto
5 2/23
  • Spinning — chapters 6-8 (183-318)
Literacy narrative comic storyboard (in class)
  • Spinning — chapters 9-10 & author’s note (319-94)
2/28 Sketch 5: Triptych

Remember that last week I had mixed information about which sketch to do so if you made a combophoto last week then this week you should make visual notes.

We will spend time in class on Tuesday giving each other peer feedback on the literacy narrative comic storyboard, which means before class that day you will need to get your storyboard posted on your sites. If you’re hand-drawing the comic then take photos of the pages and upload them. If you’re creating your comic digitally then export the draft as jpg files and upload them. The key thing for our peer editing time is that you should have a rough sketch of an entire comic such that your classmates can look at it and get a sense of the story you’re telling and how you’re planning to tell it. They’ll be able to tell you what they see you are doing, ask some questions, and make some suggestions for improving your comic.

As you’re making your comics remember that these are radical revisions of the alphabetic literacy narratives you wrote, so you can (and should!) rethink the earlier narrative to make it work in a more visual format. With some part of your mind as you do so, pay attention to what you change and why you think some elements work better in text versus in comics. I’m interested in you noticing what comics does better and what straight prose does better.

This week we’ll also finish reading Spinning, though we’ll continue to talk about it for awhile.

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